Our Notaries Public will assist you with the notarization of a Child Travel Consent Form as required by airlines, railways, land transport companies, and immigration and border control agents in most countries. If your child is traveling alone by air, sea, or land, or if your child is accompanied by one parent or any other person, the transport and border authorities might require you to submit a notarized unaccompanied minor form. Airlines may charge you a fee for the unaccompanied minor service, which involves an airline employee escort for your child at the airport and on board the plane. In addition, you and the person picking your child up at their destination may also have to provide the airline with identification and contact information. The letter of consent, from the other parent or signed by both custodial parents will provide proof that the child is traveling with their permission. It is recommended that a parent with sole custody or a parent who frequently crosses the U.S. borders by land with a minor, to always carry a travel consent letter from the other parent.